The core purpose of products for oxygen room is to create pleasant space by supplying oxygen to spaces used for residential and business purposes.
With passing of time, spaces used for residential and business purposes are becoming increasingly blocked off from outside space due to development of air conditioning,
insulating and noise blocking facilities. This also led to decrease in ventilation rate, therefore indoor residential space is becoming more and more inferior.
Also, due to limitations of space, many facilities are being installed in underground area lacking ventilation Most of intelligent buildings of the latest trend
are designed with windows not to be opened. Therefore, opinions are being raised that indoor environment is not as good as before. In general, we believe that outdoor
air is more polluted than indoor air in urban areas. However, in reality, it is clear that indoor air is certainly more polluted than outdoor air.
Oxygen concentrator system of OXUS basically consists of the system that is the same as air conditioner. It consists with an outdoor unit, indoor unit and controller. Also,
piping and installation operations are necessary. Outdoor unit is installed outdoors or in balcony. By separating oxygen and nitrogen from the air, nitrogen is discharged
and the oxygen created is sent to an indoor space through pipeline. Indoor unit injects oxygen into the space. In other words,
only the necessary oxygen is sent into the requiring space by using outside air.